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Despite the fact that Wally supposedly needs Brendan/May teach him how to catch pokémon in the game, he actually does everything just fine by himself. He also just happens to run into the area's rarest pokémon (ralts) right away. Lucky kid...
This strip marked a big change for Pebble Version. Specifically, it's the first strip to be done entirely in Photoshop. When I first began Pebble Version, I did most of the work in MS Paint, though I also used an old version of Photoshop Elements for image conversion (in the older versions of Windows XP, Paint had problems saving png files) and some simple effects (like the motion blurs). Then, two or three months before making this strip, I started taking a beginning Photoshop class in college. That led to me getting a full version of Photoshop and making some slightly better special effects (such as that lens flare in Strip 146). As the class progressed, I quickly realized the benefits of doing the entire comic in Photoshop and, after enough lessons and a bit of experimentation, I decided I knew enough to switch everything over. It's still a bit rough. You'll notice that the speech bubbles are a bit different than the way I do them in later strips and the sky is just a basic gradient without any clouds. If you've got a really keen eye, you might also realize that the grass texture is slightly off. But even so, it's a big improvement over the strips I did in Paint.

Pokemon and all related images and trademarks are copyrighted by Nintendo, one of my favorite games companies who would certainly never waste their time by trying to sue me. Especially since I'm protected under the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976. Aside from that the actual site content is copyrighted by me, Josiah Lebowitz 2003.