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#88 How to get respect
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This comic also gives some useful information to people who aren't Pokémon experts, although not something that has much of a roll in the comic. Basically, though all pokémon you capture yourself will follow your orders, pokémon obtained through trades will occasionally ignore what you tell them and do their own thing. However, if you have a high enough badge (in relation to the pokémon's level) it will obey you just like if you'd caught it yourself. But, unless the badges make use of some form of mind control, the reason it works that way seems rather unclear. For that matter, I never understood why some wild pokémon that attacked you out of the blue would suddenly turn into a friendly loyal servant once you've captured it.

Pokemon and all related images and trademarks are copyrighted by Nintendo, one of my favorite games companies who would certainly never waste their time by trying to sue me. Especially since I'm protected under the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976. Aside from that the actual site content is copyrighted by me, Josiah Lebowitz 2003.