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#105 It time!
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Looking Back:
Things are looking grim for the Black Suit Guys with both dragonite and flygon defeated. Fortunately, they've got a secret weapon! Although it'd probably help if they both knew what it was. This is a spin on those old jokes where someone appears to be seriously discussing something only to later reveal that they had no clue what they were talking about. For example, you see a guy talking on the phone...
Man on Phone: "What? You don't say. ... You don't say. ... You don't say!" *hangs up*
Nearby Person: "Well, what did he say?"
Man on Phone: "He didn't say."
By now you've probably also noticed that one of the black suit guys appears to know what's going on while the other is a bit of an idiot. Thing is, seeing as they both look alike, you can't always tell which is which, or even if it's always the same guy. Perhaps there's one smart guy and one dumb guy, or maybe they're both smart about some things and dumb when it comes to others. You never know...

Pokemon and all related images and trademarks are copyrighted by Nintendo, one of my favorite games companies who would certainly never waste their time by trying to sue me. Especially since I'm protected under the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976. Aside from that the actual site content is copyrighted by me, Josiah Lebowitz 2003.