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#90 And?
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As previously stated, capturing a wild pokémon involves lowering its HP as much as you feel comfortable doing without risking KOing it and then throwing your pokéball. Several factors contribute to the likelihood that the pokéball will successfully capture your target pokémon, including its current HP, its level, any status effects on it, and the type of ball being used. However, all that does is increase your odds, there's no surefire capture method (aside from using one of the rare master balls) so even if everything looks to be in your favor there's still a chance that the pokémon will get lucky and break out (destroying your pokéball in the process). As evidenced by later strips, May seems to have particularly bad luck in that regard.

Pokemon and all related images and trademarks are copyrighted by Nintendo, one of my favorite games companies who would certainly never waste their time by trying to sue me. Especially since I'm protected under the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976. Aside from that the actual site content is copyrighted by me, Josiah Lebowitz 2003.