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#207 I have more!
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Looking Back:
It's magikarp! In all forms of Pokémon media (games, anime, manga, etc.), magikarp has a reputation for being the worst pokémon around. It has generally low stats, can't learn any TMs or HMs, and starts out with nothing but Splash, a move that does absolutely nothing. In Ruby/Sapphire they did power it up slightly, allowing it to learn Tackle at level 15 and Flail at 30, but it's still something no one in their right mind would use in battle...except to swap out for experience since it evolves into the much more impressive gyrados at level 20. But anyway, yes this trainer is actually in the game, he really calls himself the water pokémon master, and his entire team is made up of three magikarps.

Pokemon and all related images and trademarks are copyrighted by Nintendo, one of my favorite games companies who would certainly never waste their time by trying to sue me. Especially since I'm protected under the Fair Use Rule of the United States Copyright Act of 1976. Aside from that the actual site content is copyrighted by me, Josiah Lebowitz 2003.